The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi has approved monetary support of Rs 104 lakhs for three years w.e.f. 2019 under the Star College Scheme to our institute. Under this scheme, six Science Departments viz. Physics, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics Zoology, and Computer Science have been selected to nourish life sciences education, Research Innovation, and training at the undergraduate level. To attain the defined objectives under the sanctioned scheme, the college has outlined various academic and scientific activities including workshops, extension lectures, industrial visits, and training, a facility for providing free books to meritorious students, specialized training programs for faculty improvement for optimizing their technical capabilities, standard curricula, standard operating procedures (SOP) for practical and summer schools, etc. The concerned Departments have made necessary efforts in building up the laboratory infrastructure involving modern equipment and consumables for undergraduate students to upgrade their careers in Science Stream.
Main objectives of the scheme:
- To enhance the academic and physical infrastructure for attaining excellence in teaching and training
- To expand capabilities of core instrumentation resources by providing new equipment and upgrading existing facilities
- To make the networking and ties with neighboring institutions and other laboratories stronger
- To encourage undergraduate students towards creativity and innovation by undertaking project-based learning.
- To create opportunities to inculcate scientific aptitude among students viz. instrument handling, analytical thinking, data analysis, research paper writing, etc.
- To increase networking with other institutions to provide more exposure to students by planning visits to the same.
- To organize specialized training programs for faculty improvement for optimizing technical capabilities
- To enhance instrumentation facilities by procuring new equipment and upgrading existing facilities by designing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for practical use.
- To upgrade the library facility to provide updated knowledge to the students and teachers.