Audience Category: Group A - Current Students

Please read the following directions carefully before commencing:
1. This questionnaire is intended to provide all students with the opportunity to be part of the various Improvement Initiatives at DSCW.
2. We believe that as a student of this college, each individual holds valuable insights & views that will lead towards the overall betterment of the Institution.
3. Your feedback forms part of 100s of other surveys that are sent to various stakeholders periodically. The information and valuable feedback that you provide is kept 100% confidential and will be analyzed in unison with all other feedback providers.
4. The questions asked in this form have been designed with the purpose of understanding the level of contentment or discontentment with the Curriculum / Syllabus design & delivery. Please read the statements and assign a score as per your choice. DSCW is striving towards improving its Curriculum, Syllabus & Delivery Frameworks and your honest & candid feedback will go a long way in helping us improve and excel.

Please choose one Option that best describes your satisfaction or dissatisfaction levels.

1. The syllabus & curriculum delivered to me was designed holistically and was exhaustive. It meets my expectations of the course I enrolled for.
2. In addition to classroom lectures and notes, the Faculty & Teachers also guided me towards understanding - how to apply the acquired knowledge in real-world situations.
3. The course helped me to generate value and custom that are needed in present scenario to become a good citizen.
4. The Institution has deployed a variety of different mediums (e.g. Online, Field work, Workshops, Brainstorm sessions etc.), to effectively deliver the syllabus & curriculum to me. I came away with a much better understanding of the concepts than just the classic lecture medium.
5. The College & Faculty helped me understand the Outcome Based Approach to Learning. I clearly understood the Learning Objectives and Outcomes for each Unit/Subject.
6. The College & its Faculty, extensively use Technology tools & products (e.g. Software, Apps, PCs) to display content, distribute resources and as teaching mediums. I feel that I am part of a Progressive Technology driven Educational Institution.
7. The Allocation of Marks in the Tests & Exams, were in proportion and relevant to the focus drawn upon those specific concepts and units within the Course of Study.
8. Are you overall satisfied with the learning environment of the DSCW?
9. The Teachers design &pace out the Subjects, Concepts and Units in a manner that allowed me the time to Learn, Understand & Imbibe. I am very satisfied with the pace of learning at DSCW.
10. The units within each subject of the prescribed syllabus & curriculum, were relevant to the Course. The unit content & concepts were in line with my expectations.
11. The subjects offered in the Course were relevant and suited to the chosen stream of Specialisation.